why bioregionalism?
National boundaries are familiar to the modern mind, but in fact they are actually a new and highly problematic invention. They chop habitat into pieces and force us into behaviors that are completely inconsistent with a functional future.
In contrast, bioregionalism is one of the oldest ideas on the planet. The idea is simple: create human culture that’s consistent with the plants, animals, soils and climate on the ground. Each bioregion has a distinctive “look and feel” that suggests a particular life way for the humans that live there. For the vast majority of human history, native people have paid close attention to the qualities of their bioregions and lived in ways that fit.
Today, we are reaching the limits of globalization and long-distance travel. As complex human systems begin to break down, people will increasingly be forced to rely on local resources for survival. But sadly, few modern people really understand the nature of their bioregions or how they might integrate with local conditions.
This is where this project comes in. By providing comprehensive, bioregionally-based information to people across the planet, we shift attention away from archaic boundaries and redirect human consciousness back to the land that gives us life.